
Article 355 of the Indian Constitution stands as a sentinel, guarding the federal structure of the Indian Union. Enshrined within its provisions is the duty of the Union to protect every State against external aggression and internal disturbance. This constitutional mandate not only ensures the security of individual states but also plays a pivotal role in upholding the principles of federalism in India. In this article, we delve into the significance of Article 355 in nurturing and preserving the federal fabric of the Indian polity. 

Importance in Upholding Federal Principles: 

At the heart of Article 355 lies the commitment to safeguard the interests of each state within the Union. By mandating the Union government to protect states from external threats and internal disruptions, the provision fosters an environment where states can operate autonomously, free from the specter of insecurity. This protection not only ensures the safety and stability of individual states but also bolsters the overarching federal structure of the Indian Union. 

Federalism, as enshrined in the Indian Constitution, is a delicate balance of power-sharing between the Centre and the states. Article 355 serves as a cornerstone in this arrangement by affirming the importance of states and their autonomy. By extending assistance to states during times of need, the provision fosters a collaborative spirit between the Centre and the states, thereby strengthening the federal framework. This collaborative approach not only promotes unity but also ensures a more effective governance system that is responsive to the diverse needs of the Indian populace. 

Constitutional Mandate:

Embedded within the constitutional fabric of India, Article 355 underscores the foundational principles upon which the Indian Union is built. By stipulating the duty of the Union to ensure that the government of every state is carried out in accordance with the Constitution, the provision reinforces the supremacy of the Constitution as the guiding light for governance. This not only upholds the integrity and sovereignty of the nation but also fosters a sense of unity among its citizens, irrespective of regional or linguistic differences. 

National Security: 

In an increasingly complex geopolitical landscape, the protection of national security is paramount. Article 355 plays a crucial role in this regard by empowering the Union government to take necessary measures to safeguard states from external aggression and internal disturbances. By bolstering border security and maintaining law and order, the provision ensures the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the nation. Moreover, it instils a sense of confidence and security among citizens, fostering national unity and cohesion. 


Despite its significance, Article 355 faces several challenges in its effective implementation. Conflicts between the Centre and the states over the encroachment of powers often pose hurdles in upholding the federal principles enshrined in the provision. Moreover, political instability in some states and the rise of identity politics further complicate the Centre-state relations, hindering the seamless operation of Article 355. Additionally, demands for greater autonomy by certain states and the resurgence of regionalism pose significant challenges to the unity and integrity of the Indian Union. 


In conclusion, Article 355 of the Indian Constitution stands as a bulwark, safeguarding the federal structure of the Indian Union. Through its provisions, the article ensures the protection of states, promotes federalism, upholds the constitutional mandate, and safeguards national security. However, the effective implementation of Article 355 is not without its challenges. Addressing these challenges and fostering a spirit of cooperation and

collaboration between the Centre and the states is imperative in nurturing and preserving the federal fabric of the Indian polity. Only through collective efforts can we uphold the principles of federalism and ensure a strong, united, and democratic nation.