IAS Salary: How much do the Indian Administrative Services pay?

ias salary

IAS Salary: As you go reading, most of your queries would be answered concerning the salaries for the IAS officers as per the recommendations made by the 7th Pay Commission.

The basic monthly salary for an IAS officer begins with Rs. 56,100. (It should be noted that the figure quoted here does not include the TA, HRA and DA). However, in case of a Cabinet Secretary, it would reach Rs. 2,500,00.

The Indian Administrative Services is the most sought after of the careers across India. Thus, it should not come as a surprise that almost every year, there are lakhs of the candidates applying for the Civil Services Exam. But, these are just a handful who are selected. And the number that finally joins the Indian Administrative Services is even fewer.

Yet, the charm of the Civil Services draws the aspirants from all across the country. Apart from the salary and the inter-related benefits offered to the Civil Servants by the Government, the pride and the respect associated with a Civil Service is simply awesome!

IAS Officers’ Salaries (7th Pay Commission)

As you go reading, you would also get familiar with the Career Path for an IAS officer. It is worth noting that the 7th Central Pay Commission does not follow the old system comprising Pay Grades for Civil Services. Rather, the Consolidated Pay Levels have been introduced.

Thus, the pay scale is based upon the Basic Pay and the  TA, HRA and DA.

IAS Salary: Salaries for the IAS Officers

Pay LevelBasic Pay(INR)Number of years required in servicePost
   District AdministrationState SecretariatCentral Secretariat
10561001-4Sub-divisional magistrateUndersecretaryAssistant Secretary
1167,7005-8Additional district magistrateDeputy SecretaryUndersecretary
1278,8009-12District magistrateJoint SecretaryDeputy Secretary
131,18,50013-16District magistrateSpecial secretary-cum-directorDirector
141,44,20016-24Divisional commissionerSecretary-cum-commissionerJoint Secretary
151,82,20025-30Divisional commissionerPrincipal SecretaryAdditional secretary
162,05,40030-33No Equivalent RankAdditional Chief SecretaryNo Equivalent Rank
172,25,00034-36No Equivalent RankChief SecretarySecretary
182,50,00037+ yearsNo Equivalent RankNo Equivalent RankCabinet Secretary of India

DA i.e., the Dearness Allowance begins with 0% and gains in value only as the time goes on. The Salaries for all the IAS officers also begin with the same level gaining magnitude only with the tenure and the promotions.

The Table that follows explains an IAS officer’s monthly salary at the Entry level as well as at the apex.

LevelBasic PayTotal IAS Salary
Entry level (starting salary)5610056100 – 132000
Maximum Pay (cabinet secretary level)250000250000

On the other hand, the next table illustrates the previous pay structure as per the 6th Central Pay Commission.

GradePay ScaleGrade Pay of IAS officerNumber of years required in servicePost
Junior or Lower Time Scale15600 – 391005400Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDM), SDO, or Sub-Collector (after 2 years of probation)
Senior Time Scale15600 – 3910066005District Magistrate (DM) or Collector or a Joint Secretary of a Government Ministry
Junior Administrative15600 – 3910076009Special Secretary or the Head of Various Government Departments
Selection Grade37400 – 67000870012 – 15Secretary to a Ministry
Super Time Scale37400 – 67000870017 – 20Principal Secretary of a Very Important Department of the Government
Above Super Time Scale37400 – 6700012000VariesVaries
Apex Scale80000 (Fixed)NAVariesChief Secretary of States, Union Secretaries in charge of various ministries of Government of India
Cabinet Secretary Grade90000 (Fixed)NAVariesCabinet Secretary of India

The basic pay increases by 3% at starting level. It is an annual increase. It is fixed at the level of Cabinet Secretary. The DA i.e., the Dearness Allowance is increased from 0-14% every year at entry level. At the highest of the levels, DA may increase.

However, the educated Indian youth would do well to consider that the Salary shouldn’t be the only motivating factor joining the Indian Administrative Services. The Civil Services provide a brilliant opportunity for serving the nation.

Thus, the Indian youth should consider all the factors and gear up to prepare in the best possible manner to serve their nation when they think of joining the IAS. You of course would be drawing a handsome salary, but the opportunity to serve the nation is what only the fortunate get!

IAS Salary: A few Frequently Asked Questions

Are the IAS officers provided with the salary during the training?

Yes, they are. They draw a stipend/salary during the training at Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBSNAA)

What powers are bestowed upon an IAS officer?

An IAS officer can function at the State cadre or the Centre deputation. Admistrative machinery of the district falls under the IAS officer’s control during the beginning of his career. With a good record, they may represent India at the International platforms, be the heads for the Public Sector undertakings, be the Cabinet Secretary etc.

What does basically an IAS officer do?

He is responsible for:

  • maintenance of law and order,
  • revenue administration and general administration in the area under him.
  • Collection of revenue and function as Courts in revenue matters.
  • Maintenance of law and order.

What salary does an  IAS officer draw after 7th Pay Commission?

The 7th Pay Commission recommendations were approved by the Cabinet on 29th June, 2016. An IAS officer at the junior level draws Rs. 56100. The pay would be increasing as the years roll by. For the details, please refer to the tables and the descriptions already given above.

What would be better – the  IAS or the IPS?

These are only the top most of the rank holders who are allowed by UPSC to join IAS. IPS comes next. The salary drawn by an IAS officer is higher than that of an IPS officer. Further, an area has only a single IAS officer, but the total number of the IPS officers depends upon the requirement.

What is the qualification required for joining IAS?

The candidates should be a graduate from a University from a Deemed University by UGC or equivalent and be at least 21 or above in order to apply for the Civil Services Exam. If he is among the highest of the rank holders when CSE result is declared, UPSC allows him to join IAS.

Is IAS considered to be a stressful job?

Yes. There might be:

  • Calls
  • e-mails
  • messages
  • public meetings
  • public grievances
  • meetings with the seniors and the juniors
  • emergency situations
  • daily routine work, etc.

Do the IAS officers get any holidays?

Of course. He is provided all the government holidays that the State and the Central Government declare in advance under the negotiable instruments act. Besides, an IAS officer gets a holiday depending on whether he is appointed at the State or the Central level. Some of the holidays are common at both the levels.

Can an IAS officer have a gun?

They do not have a uniform. They do have the administrative control over the Police in the capacity of the Executive magistrates, but do not need to carry any arms.

How is life of IAS?

It varies at various stages. The District Level witnesses an IAS officer working from 9AM to 9PM. They are to study the reports to supervise various tasks. There are inspections, field work and meetings.

Is it possible for an IAS officer to earn Rs.1000 Crores?

Though the quality of life is good and salary is handsome, it is not possible to earn that much.

Can an IAS suspend an IPS?

Most of them cannot. But it is possible in the following cases:

*the IPS officer in charge of the Jurisdiction (For rank of Inspector)

* IPS officer in charge of the zone (For rank of Sub Inspector).

Who can suspend an IAS?

Only the President of India can do so in case of IAS/IPS. The State Government, though having the power to suspend, is required to submit a letter within the 48 hours to the Central government

Can IAS become IPS?

No. These are different services.

Is it possible to join IAS after 12th std.?

No, you should be a graduate, 21 or above and clear the CSE.

Is Tattoo allowed in IAS?

Yes, but it would not be appropriate.

Can an IAS marry a foreigner?

Yes. But for an IFS, some rules are to be followed.

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