Daily Current Affairs for UPSC – 30th August 2023

GS 1 ‘Population growth not a panacea’ Source: https://www.thehindu.com/todays-paper/2023-08-29/th_delhi/articleGA7BM8KVF-4062408.ece Context: India's population growth is expected to enhance the labor force availability. However, Moody's suggests that this alone will not ensure…

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Daily Current Affairs for UPSC – 29th August 2023

Elite News Reader: August 28, 2023 GS 1 Himalayan blunders that are ravaging the Himalayas Source: https://www.thehindu.com/todays-paper/2023-08-28/th_delhi/articleGQABM40OL-4051580.ece Context: The increasing environmental degradation and frequent tragedies in hill States like Uttarakhand…

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Daily Current Affairs for UPSC – 26th August 2023

GS 2 BRICS decides to include six new members Source: https://www.thehindu.com/news/international/brics-to-admit-six-new-members-next-year/article67230192.ece#:~:text=Argentina%2C%20Egypt%2C%20Ethiopia%2C%20Iran,become%20full%20members%20of%20BRICS&text=In%20a%20landmark%20decision%2C%20members,new%20countries%20into%20the%20fold. Context: BRICS members have made a significant decision to expand the grouping by including six new countries. Relevance: GS…

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Daily Current Affairs for UPSC – 22nd August 2023

GS 1 Why Shimla is crumbling Source: https://www.thehindu.com/todays-paper/2023-08-21/th_delhi/articleGLBBL4UHR-3981160.ece Context: Heavy rainfall causes havoc in Himachal Pradesh, particularly Shimla. Relevance: GS 1 Geographical phenomenon Climate Change Impact on the Region IPCC…

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