Expert Advice for UPSC Aspirants

The UPSC Civil Services exam is considered one of the toughest competitive exams in India. It requires months of dedicated preparation and a sound strategy to crack the exam in one go. While there are many tips and strategies available online, we decided to take a closer look at the experiences and advice of successful women candidates who have cracked the exam in their first attempt.

Here are the 5 tips from women candidates to crack the UPSC Civil Services exam in one go:

  1. Make a study plan and stick to it

The UPSC Civil Services exam is a comprehensive exam that covers a wide range of subjects, from history and geography to economics and current affairs. Aspirants need to make a study plan that covers all the subjects and topics of the exam. The plan should be realistic and achievable. It is important to stick to the plan and avoid procrastination.

Mansi Jain, who secured Rank 83 in the 2019 UPSC Civil Services exam, says, “I made a study plan for myself and followed it religiously. I divided my time between reading, writing, and practicing mock tests. I made sure that I covered all the subjects and topics of the exam. This helped me to stay focused and avoid wasting time.”

  1. Read newspapers and stay updated with current affairs

Current affairs play a crucial role in the UPSC Civil Services exam. Aspirants need to be aware of the latest developments in India and the world. Reading newspapers is an excellent way to stay updated with current affairs.

Swati Saini, who secured Rank 32 in the 2019 UPSC Civil Services exam, says, “I read newspapers regularly to stay updated with current affairs. I made notes of important news items and revised them regularly. This helped me to answer the current affairs questions in the exam confidently.”

  1. Focus on writing practice

Writing practice is important to score well in the UPSC Civil Services exam. Aspirants need to practice writing essays, answers, and case studies. Writing practice helps to improve writing speed, clarity of thought, and structure of answers.

Ankita Choudhary, who secured Rank 14 in the 2018 UPSC Civil Services exam, says, “I focused on writing practice. I practiced writing essays, answers, and case studies regularly. I also analyzed my answers to identify my weaknesses and worked on improving them. This helped me to write well-structured and concise answers in the exam.”

  1. Join a coaching institute or study group

Joining a coaching institute or study group can be helpful in preparing for the UPSC Civil Services exam. Coaching institutes provide guidance and resources to aspirants, while study groups provide peer support and motivation.

Divya Prakash, who secured Rank 352 in the 2019 UPSC Civil Services exam, says, “I joined a coaching institute for guidance and resources. I also joined a study group to get peer support and motivation. The coaching institute and study group helped me to stay focused and motivated during my preparation.”

  1. Stay motivated and take care of your health

Preparing for the UPSC Civil Services exam can be a long and challenging journey. It is important to stay motivated and take care of your health. Aspirants should take breaks, exercise regularly, and maintain a healthy diet.

Shivani Goyal, who secured Rank 15 in the 2018 UPSC Civil Services exam, says, “I stayed motivated by reminding myself of my goals and the reason why I wanted to become a civil servant. I also took breaks, exercised regularly, and maintained a healthy diet. This helped me to stay focused and energized during my preparation.”

Cracking the UPSC Civil Services exam in one go is a challenging task, but it is not impossible. Aspirants need to make a study plan and stick to it, read newspapers and stay updated with current affairs, focus on writing practice, join a coaching institute or study group, and stay motivated and take care of their health. By following these tips, aspirants can increase their chances of cracking the exam in their first attempt.

It is also important to remember that each aspirant’s journey is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. Therefore, it is essential to identify what works best for oneself and make necessary adjustments to the study plan accordingly.

Lastly, it is important to believe in oneself and stay determined throughout the preparation journey. The UPSC Civil Services exam is a test of not just knowledge but also mental resilience and grit. By staying focused, dedicated, and motivated, aspirants can crack the exam in one go and fulfill their dream of becoming a civil servant.

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