How to study for IAS at home?

Study for IAS at home: In India, a huge number of aspirants applies for IAS but very few can succeed in achieving their goals. The syllabus of IAS exam is vast and this exam is considered to be one of the most difficult competitive exam in India, so one is required to work very hard in order to achieve his/her goals regarding IAS. Only completing the whole syllabus for IAS exam would not be enough for an aspirant for getting prepared for the exam. It is required for a candidate to have knowledge regarding all recent happenings across the whole world. In addition, if the candidate clears all the levels of the exam then he/she would be interviewed at the last stage by the UPSC board to assess that whether the candidate is eligible for the job or not, so the candidate must develop his/her personality in such a way that he/she can get selected.

Therefore, it is crucial to know the ways of preparing oneself for IAS and this article would provide this information so that it can be helpful for the aspirants.

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Taking preparation for IAS exam

A candidate who is going to appear in the upcoming IAS exam would surely get help from the tips discussed in this article for getting prepared properly for the IAS exam.

Study for IAS at home: Tip 1 – Taking Mental Preparation

  • At first, it is important for the aspirants to prepare themselves in order to start their studies for the IAS exam.
  • After that, the pattern for the IAS exam should be perceived. Three stages are there under this exam and those are prelims, mains and the last stage is interview.
  • In case the candidate is employed then separate time for studying needs to be allotted.
  • Being employed, one can easily prepare for UPSC exam by taking help from internet.

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Tip 2: A Time Table Creation

  • It becomes easy for an aspirant to prepare properly for the IAS exam if a proper time table is created and followed.
  • A proper time table is very effective in balancing all the tasks and preparing for the exam.

Tip 3: Go Through the UPSC Syllabus

  • Before beginning the study, the syllabus for the IAS Preliminary along with Main exam must be comprehended by the aspirants.
  • It is necessary to know the syllabus so that the subjects can be selected accurately.

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Tip 4: Optional Subject Selection

  • 500 marks are allotted for the optional subject in the UPSC exam. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that the optional subject is selected by an aspirant by considering the following important factors:
  • The basic knowledge regarding the subject possessed by the aspirant beforehand.
  • The aspirant’s interest regarding the subject.
  • Whether study notes are available or not.
  • Whether tutoring is available or not.

Tip 5: NCERT Textbooks

  • The aspirants can surely get help from the NCERT textbooks for preparing themselves for the IAS exam.
  • Starting from class 6 to class 12, all the NCERT textbooks should be followed to get the basic knowledge.
  • Questions from NCERTs had been asked in UPSC exam in preceding years, therefore, NCERT textbooks must be followed along with other progressive textbooks as they provide comprehensive and logical information.

Tip 6: Short Notes

  • Making short notes is very crucial for aspirants in preparing for UPSC examination.
  • Candidates cannot revise the whole syllabus before the exam so the candidates get help from the short notes for revising all the topics that are relevant.
  • If the candidates make notes for every subject properly in different notebooks then it will surely be effective for their preparation as they would be able to recognize and revise relevant information.

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Tip 7: Reading Newspapers for latest information

  • Newspaper reading is very crucial for IAS aspirants in order to get updates regarding the recent happenings.
  • Strong knowledge regarding the current affairs would help the candidates to crack the IAS exam.

Tip 8:  Magazines

  • Some magazines can help to get important information required to clear IAS examination.
  • Kurukshetra, Yojana are some relevant magazines.

Tip 9: Solving UPSC Question Papers of Previous Years

  • The aspirants would get help in understanding the level and pattern of the questions in the paper if they solve the question papers of previous years.
  • They would get to know how much hard work and eligibility are required in order to crack the IAS exam.

Tip 10: Appearing for Mock Test

  • If one is preparing for IAS exam at home then it is necessary to participate in the series of mock test so that a clear idea of the main exam can be perceived.
  • Aspirants will be able to identify in which subject they are strong and where they are weak, hence, they will get the opportunity to focus on their shortcomings to improve themselves.

Tip 11: Important Government Resources

  • Aspirants can depend on many government sources during their preparation for the IAS exam. There are many government websites which can help the aspirants such as PRS.

Tip 12: Practice of Answering Questions

  • Study for IAS at home: The ability of writing answers briefly and appropriately in the exam would develop if the aspirants practice writing answers at home.
  • The candidates would not get enough time to think before writing answers and if they write irrelevant points in the answer in hurry then it would be worthless, hence, it is important to have practice in writing answers accurately.
  • The candidates need to have clear concept regarding all the topics and should have the ability to arrange important points and their own ideas perfectly in their answers.

Tip 13: UPSC Interview

  • The aspirants need to improve their personality like their communicative skills, self-possession, alertness, etc. so that the interview stage that is the last stage of the exam can be cleared.
  • All the questions should be answered confidently and accurately in that interview.
  • Questions can be asked regarding the candidate’s personal experience, his/her interests, etc.

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Study for IAS at home: Tip 14- Positive Mind

  • Staying positive all the time is required to be confident for appearing for the IAS exam.
  • Though the journey for preparing oneself for the exam is difficult, one should not lose hope.

Tip 15: Revision

  • To crack one of the most difficult exam, revising the important topics frequently is of utmost importance.
  • It is crucial to remember every topic of all the subjects.

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