Civil Services Exam Guidance vs. Studying in Isolation

Civil Services Exam Guidance: You might be too fond of self-study to seek any other mode to prepare for the Civil Services Exam. However, it is not advisable to study in isolation specifically when it is none other than the IAS Exam.

There are various factors that make studying in isolation far from being recommendable. The major ones are listed below:

1. The UPSC Syllabus:

It is no secret that the Union Public Service Commission prescribes so vast a syllabus that it seems to run almost till eternity. As a result, if you have been thinking of preparing the completing isolating yourself from the co-aspirants and moving into a recluse, you are not likely to find the very process of preparing the complete syllabus a simple one.

2. The Competition:

Apart from the exceptionally vast UPSC syllabus, the competition is toughest of the tough. Besides, the Indian Administrative Services being the most coveted of all the UPSC cadres, the competition to join the same is the hardest possible.

The Union Public Service Commission does not allow any of the successful CSE examinees, but the most capable ones only to join the IAS. And that explains why do you need to be amongst the highest of the rank holders in the CSE result if you aim at joining the IAS?

Why is it not advisable to prepare on your own for the Civil Services Exam?

Because of the complexities involved during the preparation for the CSE (as stated above), it is advisable not to prepare for the same on your own. Seeking guidance at a competent IAS Coaching Academy in Delhi would be preferable, of course. Doing so would help you simplify the complexities of the entire process. And that is going to be considerably helpful for your preparation for the CSE.

IAS Coaching Institutions vs. Studying in Isolation

Seeking guidance at a competent IAS Coaching Academy in Delhi goes a long way. Doing so scores an edge over studying in isolation. There are a number of the factors that would help you discover the same for yourself.

The major ones are described below:

1. Experienced Faculty:

As per the human psyche, most of the individuals prefer seeking advice from the experienced when it comes to undertake a tedious task. And who else would be better than the experienced faculty for the sake of guidance when you aim at cracking the Civil Services Exam?

Well, seeking guidance does not imply by any means that you may not study in isolation. The truth is that self-study does count when it comes to prepare for any Exam. And the same applies with the greatest intensity to the Civil Services Exam.

But, the point to be noted is, why should you prepare for the CSE in isolation? It is not going to be contributory to your preparation for the Exam by any means. Rather you would be depriving yourself of all the benefits you might have gained by being coached by the experienced faculty.

2. You may prepare confidently keeping all the confusions at bay:

The IAS coaching institution that you join helps you prepare confidently. You are guided by a team of experts.

Needless to say, you are on the right track getting the right kind of the guidance from the experienced faculty members. The faculty makes use of their expertise and experience of coaching the IAS aspirants. So, they are fully aware of the best teaching strategies.

You only have to allow yourself to be guided by the faculty. Doing so automatically puts all your confusions and doubts to rest.

And that is a great boon for an IAS aspirant. Steering clear of all the confusions is the first step. And you definitely enjoy the great benefit once you begin to receive the guidance from the faculty.  

Next, it is advisable to follow the instructions of the experienced faculty.  And see the difference it makes to your preparation for the Civil Services Exam.

3. Helps you distinguish the truth from the myth:

It is a great myth that one must be an exceptionally great scholar in order to clear the Civil Services Exam. However, it is far from being true.

UPSC Civil Services Exam makes an assessment of all the examinees for the sake of recruiting the Civil Servants. Even if you aim at joining the Indian Administrative Services (the most sought after ones), UPSC would like to look for the qualities that are required to be there in a good administrator.

Thus, it is your overall personality that should be suitable for the job of the administrator, apart from a good knowledge of whatever is prescribed by the UPSC syllabus for the Civil Services Exam. Thus, apart from the knowledge, UPSC would make an assessment of your complete personality. It is not for no reason that the UPSC Interview is commonly known as the Personality Test.

Besides, UPSC requires you to be 21 or above and at least a graduate to apply for the Civil Services Exam. And that signifies that any graduate, with the right kind of preparation can crack the Civil Services Exam, even at the first attempt!

And so can you! Thus, it is only a myth that you have to be a great scholar in order to clear the CSE. Join an IAS coaching academy in Delhi and the faculty members would be telling you the same. All you need is the right kind of guidance that you can easily avail of at a competent IAS coaching institution.

4. The teaching strategies work greater wonders than what you might have thought of initially:

It is not for nothing that huge multitudes of the IAS aspirants prefer getting themselves enrolled at an IAS coaching Academy. Usually, at most of the IAS coaching institutions, the faculty members have a great experience not only of teaching the IAS aspirants, but also having faced the CSE.

Besides, many of them might have qualified the Prelims and cleared the Mains, thus facing the Interview. Needless to say, you would likely to be coached by the faculty members who are equipped with a first-hand experience of preparing for and facing the Civil Services Exam.

Apart from that the expertise of  their respective subjects being polished by a considerable experience of teaching the Civil Services aspirants makes it even more desirable to be guided by the faculty at an IAS coaching academy in Delhi. No wonder, the teaching strategies that they will opt for are likely to work greater wonders for you than what you might have thought of initially.

5. Competently designed study material:

Well, all are aware that looking for the right kind of the study material that caters to all the requirements of the unusually huge UPSC syllabus is a Herculean task in itself. Besides, the syllabus covers a huge variety of the subjects.

And to top it all, there might be quite a few changes produced by UPSC both in the syllabus as well as the Exam pattern. Needless to say, the study material you are going to read for the sake of the preparation for the CSE must be highly competent to take care of all these requirements. And the IAS coaching institution, if selected carefully does take care of the same.

6. An interactive mode of learning always yields better results:

Almost all of the IAS coaching institutions follow the interactive mode of learning for the sake of the students.  Besides, the Assembly Line method as a teaching methodology has been obsolete and a thing of the past almost.

By getting yourself enrolled at an IAS coaching, you would be enjoying most of the advantages of the interactive method of learning.

The major ones are stated below:

(a) Query Solving Sessions:

It is among the greatest of the advantages. The query solving sessions provided by most of the IAS coaching institutions help make the concepts crystal clear.

Besides, the faculty at the coaching institution would also guide you concerning the right manner to clarify all the basic concepts. For example, they might suggest you to read the NCERT school books. It is one of the best possible methods to gain crystal clear concepts.

Besides, while you interact with the faculty members seeking to get your queries answered, the teacher concerned is also likely to draw your attention to many other factors that you might have been ignoring or simply might not have been aware of. Thus, your preparation for the IAS Exam is likely to get a tremendous boost.

(b) Mentorship:

Apart from the query solving sessions, most of the IAS coaching institutions provide mentorship to their students. It is highly essential, nay mandatory.

An IAS aspirant, like any other individual might be having a few Exam preparation requirements that need to be attended to so that he gains a better confidence.  Mentorship allows the students to get the complexities for the preparation for the IAS Exam simplified on an individual basis.

Getting the individual attention from the faculty helps him gain a greater time to get all the doubts clear that might not have been possible otherwise in the usual query solving session. During a query solving session, the faculty is to answer the queries of all the students present.

Whereas when we talk of the mentorship, the student gets individual attention. Thus, if he feels that he is finding some of the complexities for the Exam preparation somewhat harder to be surmounted than others do, mentorship is an applicable solution for him.

Conclusion: Civil Services Exam Guidance

It is logically convincing to conclude that studying in isolation does not come anywhere near the successful preparation for the IAS Exam under the guidance of a competent IAS Coaching Academy. However, it is best that you opt for the coaching institution only after making a few considerations.

It is best to remember that your choice of the IAS Academy is going to play a decisive role concerning your preparation for the IAS Exam. And that explains that you must choose the best.

And that also implies that you must consider all that is essential before getting yourself enrolled at an IAS coaching academy. Self-study would definitely count, but let it be supplemented by seeking guidance at a regular class room IAS coaching institution. You will find that doing so will gain a much sharper edge over studying in isolation than what you might have thought of otherwise.

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