UPSC Books for International Relations Booklist for UPSC Mains
UPSC Books for International Relations: International Relations is a major topic in the UPSC Mains Exam’s General Studies Paper-2. Every year, 100 marks questions from this area are asked, making it extremely vital for getting good grades on this paper. It’s worth noting that International Relations is primarily a current affairs based topic for UPSC Mains. As a result, in order to write elaborate yet effective replies to the topics presented in the tests, you must have a solid command of current events. International Relations is part of the UPSC Mains General Studies-II paper.
Books for Paper I
- An Introduction To Constitution by D.D. Basu
- An Introduction To Political Theory by O.P Gauba
- Fifty Major Political Thinkers by Ian Adams And R W Dyson
- A History Of Political Thought: Plato To Marx by Subrata Mukherjee And Sushila Ramaswamy
- An Oxford Companion To Politics In India by Niraja Gopal Jayal And Pratap Bhanu Mehta
- Foundations Of Indian Political Thought by V.R Mehta
- A New Look At Modern Indian History by B.L Grover And Alka Mehta
- India’s Struggle for Independence by Bipan Chandra
- Indian Government And Politics by B L Fadia
Books for Paper II
- India’s Foreign Policy by V P Dutt
- International Organisations by Spectrum Books Publication
- International Relations by V N Khanna
- Challenge And Strategy: Rethinking India’s Foreign Policy by Rajiv Sikri
- Does The Elephant Dance? Contemporary Indian Foreign Policy by David M. Malone
- Global Politics by Andrew Heywood