December Global Holidays 2022

December Global Holidays: December is, without a doubt, the merriest time of the year. Let’s talk about December Global Holidays worldwide, whether they’re international or national. In the context of festivals, this includes both religious and cultural celebrations. Because of this, festival-goers are eagerly anticipating their arrival.

In December, as you know, everyone eagerly awaits the arrival of the New Year and Christmas. However, we’ve compiled a list of other international holidays in December that you’ll find below. These celebrations were rooted in a variety of religious and cultural traditions. Whatever the weather is like; everyone is having a good time during the holidays.

As the year draws to a close in December, there is a sense of optimism, hope, and celebration as people spend time with their loved ones. For many people, December is the best month because it is filled with festivities, holidays, cookies, snow, and happy times.

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What Is the Importance of Decembers Global Holidays?

Some of the December holidays may have thrown you off as a traveler. A great way to learn about other cultures is by participating in these kinds of activities. The list of international holidays 2022 is below. Hanukkah, an eight-day Jewish holiday between November 28 and December 6, is the first holiday. Christmas may be observed on the same day as New Year’s Day in some countries, so keep that in mind when planning your vacations.

On December 26, many people worldwide celebrate Boxing Day. The holiday season comes to an end today, which is why it’s so widely recognized. Countless nations commemorate World Alzheimer’s Day on this day to honor those who have perished from the disease and to raise awareness about it. People wear red ribbons as a symbol of support for those who have the disease and encourage people to get tested regularly. Dispelling myths about AIDS was made easier thanks to this event. All over the world, this holiday is celebrated.

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December global holidays List 2022

1. Hanukkah 2022December 18th – December 26th
2. World AIDS DayDecember 1st
3. KrampusnachtDecember 5th
4. Bodhi DayDecember 8th
5. Feast of the ImmaculateDecember 8th
6. Human Rights DayDecember 10th
7. St. Lucia’s DayDecember 13th
8. Las PosadasDecember 16th – 24th
9. International Human Solidarity DayDecember 20th
10. Winter SolsticeDecember 21st
11. Christmas EveDecember 24th
12. ChristmasDecember 25th
13. Boxing DayDecember 26th
14. St. Stephen’s DayDecember 26th
15. KwanzaDec 26th – 1st Jan
16. New Year’s EveDecember 31st

The most anticipated holiday of the year, Christmas, isn’t the only one that brings people together in December. There are a lot of holidays that people around the world will be celebrating in December if you take a look at the world calendar. There are both solemn and joyous aspects to these celebrations. Check out this list of holidays around the world if you’re curious about what other countries are celebrating in December.

Hanukkah (December 18th – 26th)

The eight-day Jewish festival of Hanukkah is celebrated by Jews worldwide, including in Israel, where people celebrate with friends and family to partake in traditional foods such as potato pancakes and jelly doughnuts. Because of the Jewish victory, Jerusalem’s Temple has been returned to its rightful owners. The holiday’s origins can be linked to Israel, where the myth goes that the Jews discovered a one-day supply of oil during the Greek invasion. Instead, it lasted an amazing eight days! As a result, we have Hanukkah.

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World AIDS day- December 1

Every year on December 1, the world commemorates World AIDS Day in honor of those suffering from HIV/AIDS and in memory of those who have died due to the disease. The purpose of the day is to encourage people to get tested for HIV and confirm their reports and status. Preventive messages and strategies for lowering the virus’s spread are also being promoted at this time.

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Krampusnacht- December 5th

It is Krampusnacht, a celebration honoring the arrival of Krampus, a demonic being who terrorizes and punishes children for their misbehavior. Krampusnacht is a holiday celebrated in parts of Europe (Austria, Germany, and other alpine countries) at the beginning of December with parties or parades where people enjoy delectable snacks, drinks, and music. In some communities, a group of young men dressed as scary creatures may scare children by walking door-to-door, but this may vary from town to town.

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Bodhi Day- December 8

To honor the Buddha Shakyamuni, Siddhartha Gautama was given the name Bodhi in honor of his Enlightenment. There is a growing number of people celebrating it as an alternative to the New Year in countries such as Japan. Buddhists around the world celebrate Bodhi Day, their most important holy day. Celebrations are held in memory of Buddha’s death and attaining his highest spiritual wisdom. “Sambuddhatva Jayanthi,” also known as “the birthday or awakening of Sambuddha,” is another name for this great day of learning. An important turning point in human history was reached when Buddha attained Enlightenment.

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Feast of the Immaculate- December 8

Blessed Mary, who was sinless, is honored on the Immaculate Conception Feast. December 8 is the date on which Catholics celebrate the birthday of Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ. A “novena” is a prayer that Catholics recite nine times in a row to express gratitude or ask for assistance. The United States, Argentina, Brazil, the Philippines, Spain, Portugal, and several other Catholic countries participated.

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Human Rights Day- December 10

December Global Holidays: In 1948, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which is now known as the Universal Declaration of Human Freedom. Regardless of one’s race, religion, nationality, or gender, everyone has the right to the freedoms and rights outlined in this document. Every year on Human Rights Day, the United Nations holds a commemoration event to honor the declaration’s adoption and to assess the progress made in defense of human rights. Numerous other human rights are enshrined in the UDHR, including freedom from slavery and the right to life.

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St. Lucia’s Day- December 13

St. Lucia’s Day commemorates the sight of a bright star in the sky that brought the three Kings to Bethlehem to meet the newborn Jesus. Candles, cookies, and fruits are commonly given to children in Sweden and Norway to celebrate the holiday. To commemorate the holiday, many people enjoy singing carols and exchanging gifts. You can’t celebrate St. Lucia Day without wearing a candle wreath around your head. During the persecution, Christians claim that Saint Lucia brought food and aid to those in need.

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Las Posadas- December 16 – 24

A Christmas tradition, Las Posadas, commemorates the difficult journey of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Joseph. There were rumors that Mary and Joseph were looking for a place to stay while Mary gave birth to Jesus, but no one would allow them in. The shelter was established to commemorate that moment of hospitality, and Las Posadas is named after it. As they joyfully move from house to house in search of shelter in Mexico and other regions of the United States, friends and families sing traditional melodies. The residents are usually responsible for providing food and beverages for guests.

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International Human Solidarity Day- December 20

December Global Holidays: Today is International Human Solidarity Day in honor of the 1863 founding of the International Red Cross. The day also celebrates the founding ideals of the International Red Cross, which are humanism, neutrality, and independence. Human solidarity is the recognition that we are all part of the same human family and that we all must care for one another. On International Human Solidarity Day, which encourages everyone to think about how to promote human solidarity in their own lives, this principle is celebrated. When it comes to global celebrations in December, this day serves as a reminder that we are all connected and must do our best.

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Winter Solstice- December 21

The Winter Solstice marks the shortest day and longest night in the Northern Hemisphere (Antarctica). The beginning of the lengthening of the days is the reason for the name “winter solstice.” Every year, around this time, this happens. It’s traditional to go door-to-door caroling at night, use candles in paper bags to prevent fires, hang evergreen plant boughs from the ceiling, and decorate an evergreen tree before handing out gifts to loved ones.

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Christmas Eve- December 24

It is the one thing we have in common: Before Jesus came to Earth, our world was a gloomy place. People worldwide are honoring Jesus, who gave the world both hope and joy by coming to Earth on this glorious eve of Christmas. This is a day when some people go to church or spend time with loved ones, while others celebrate and reunite with old friends. During this time of year, ham and cookies are made and other special treats.

Christmas- December 25

There are many different reasons why people celebrate Christmas worldwide, which is the most well-known of the month’s festivities. It is most commonly attributed to the birth of Jesus Christ, who was revered as the son of God and a saint by Christians. Celebrate this special day by getting together with loved ones and spending quality time with them. During this time of the year, people gather to celebrate, eat delicious food, and give each other gifts in a festive atmosphere. Having quality time with loved ones during the holidays is one of the best ways to recharge your batteries.

In the modern world, Christmas is still widely observed. Every Christmas-celebrating country and culture has a unique way of commemorating December 25. On the eve of Christmas, family and friends gather to dine and exchange gifts, to name a few traditions. Rather than decorating their homes with lights and putting up a Christmas tree, some people take advantage of the holiday season to travel and spend time with family and friends instead.

Christmas is a relatively new phenomenon in Japan. Christmas is a somewhat new holiday in Japan, and it is celebrated as a time to spread goodwill and happiness. Instead of a religious celebration, some people view this day to celebrate love and romance with a significant other. Even better, many Japanese families would dine on KFC meals for Christmas Eve. While most families around the world would cook a large meal at home, most people prefer to eat out at restaurants.

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Carp was a traditional Christmas dinner dish in Central Europe, particularly Slovakia. Tradition dictates that instead of purchasing frozen fish from the supermarket, they must keep it in a bathtub for several days before slaughtering it. The scales of the carp are believed to bring good luck and prosperity to the area’s people for the coming year.

Every December, Christmas markets spring up all over Germany, making it an ideal destination for the people who wish to shop till they drop this time of year. When you’re out and about, follow the crowd. Travel from one market to the next while sipping mulled wine and munching on bratwursts!

Christmas is a big deal in the Philippines. At the beginning of the “ber” months, the country is festive as a Christian nation. Locals can be seen putting up Christmas trees and decking their halls as early as September with twinkling lights and giant stars. After attending mass and a large meal on Christmas Eve, families reunite for another large dinner.

Boxing Day- December 26

December Global Holidays: On Boxing Day, boxes of food, gifts, and money are traditionally given to servants and the poor. Many people take advantage of sales at the mall or head to the beach to celebrate the holiday on Boxing Day. Appreciation notes, gifts, and prizes are given out to employees.

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St. Stephen’s Day- December 26

In honor of St. Stephen, who was stoned to death after 40 days of preaching to his people, St. Stephen’s Day has been established. Jesus promised no one of Stephen’s followers would ever die while he held the stone he gave him. On the same day, around 1000 AD, he was ordained as Hungary’s first Christian king as a Roman Catholic priest in Esztergom (Hungary). Traditional delicacies like stuffed cabbage and buckwheat dumplings known as Halushky are celebrated in over 25 countries, most notably Austria, the Czech Republic, and Denmark.

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Kwanza- December 26th – 1st Jan: December Global Holidays

Family, culture, and community are all celebrated during Kwanzaa, which lasts for seven days. It’s a seven-day festival honoring the seven pillars of the Buddhist faith. Cooperative Economics, Self-Determination, and Creativity are just a few of the principles that make up the Cooperative Principles. Nguzo Saba, or “the seven principles that lead Kwanzaa celebrations,” is another name for these. As Kwanzaa founder Maulana Karenga explains, the Nguzo Saba are African proverbs that offer principles for behavior similar to what we term ethics and morality. Candles are lit on each day of the festival in Africa and some parts of the United States, where people gather to celebrate and exchange food, music, and gifts.

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New Year’s Eve- December 31

The most exhilarating and final December holiday, New Year’s Eve, marks the start of a new year. Various customs and rituals are observed around the world on this particular eve. Countries celebrate in different ways, from massive parties and outdoor concerts to sending wishes to friends and family and sharing local dishes. Several religious groups observe New Year’s Eve is a time to give thanks for the year that has passed and to pray for a prosperous year in the year ahead on this particular night. On the new years eve, many people worldwide take a moment to think on the year just passed and set goals for the new year.

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