7 Most Scoring Optional Subjects for UPSC Civil Services

UPSC Civil Services

For aspirants eyeing a career in the prestigious Indian Civil Services, choosing the right optional subjects can be a pivotal decision. The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) offers a wide array of optional subjects, each with its unique challenges and opportunities. However, some subjects tend to be more scoring and rewarding than others. 

Most of these scoring optional subjects are also popular among civil services aspirants. You can easily find their study materials and well as UPSC coaching in Delhi or online coaching for UPSC

Let’s discuss into some of the most scoring optional subjects for the UPSC Civil Services examination.


Sociology is becoming a hit with folks preparing for the UPSC exam because it’s all about how people live together in groups, which is super relevant in today’s world. It’s a mix of different subjects like history, economics, and psychology, which makes it really interesting and useful.

When you’re studying sociology, you’ll dive into all sorts of topics. You’ll learn about the big thinkers who came up with ideas about how societies work, like why people do the things they do and how they interact with each other. You’ll also look at things like families, schools, and governments – basically, all the different parts of society and how they fit together.

One cool thing about sociology is that it’s always changing. You’ll study how societies have evolved over time and what’s happening in the world right now. This means you’ll be learning about stuff that’s happening in your own life, which can make it feel really relevant and important.

If you’re someone who loves understanding why people do what they do and how society functions, sociology could be the perfect subject for you. It’s all about getting to the heart of what makes communities tick and figuring out how we can make them better.

In the UPSC exam, sociology can really set you apart because it shows you can think deeply about the world around you and understand the complex issues we face as a society. So if you’re up for a challenge and want to make a difference, sociology might be just what you’re looking for. Sociology optional coaching is easily available online or offline.

Public Administration: 

Public Administration is a popular subject for those preparing for the UPSC exam because it’s closely related to what’s studied in the General Studies papers, making it easier to prepare for both at the same time. It covers topics like how government works, making and carrying out public policies, and the people who work in government. By studying Public Administration, you get a good grasp of how the administrative side of things works in society.

One of the reasons it’s favored is because it has a clear and structured syllabus. This means you know exactly what you need to study, which can make preparing for the exam less stressful. Plus, since it overlaps with topics in other papers, you can cover more ground with less effort.

When you study Public Administration, you’ll learn about different theories of administration, how public policies are made and implemented, and how government organizations are run. This gives you a deep understanding of how governments operate and make decisions. Understanding these concepts is not only important for the exam but also for understanding how societies are managed and governed in the real world.

Overall, Public Administration is a valuable subject for UPSC aspirants because it not only helps them score well in the exam but also equips them with knowledge that’s relevant and useful in the field of governance and administration. Public Administration optional coaching are also easily available. 

Political Science and International Relations (PSIR)

UPSC Civil Services: Political Science and International Relations (PSIR) is a super interesting subject that lots of people choose for the UPSC exam. It’s all about how governments work, both in India and around the world, and how countries interact with each other.

When you’re studying PSIR, you’ll learn about all sorts of cool stuff. There’s political theory, which is about the big ideas behind how governments should be run. Then there’s comparative politics, where you’ll look at how different countries do things like elections, lawmaking, and running their economies. You’ll also dive into Indian government and politics, which is all about how things work right here at home. And finally, there’s international relations, which is about how countries talk to each other, make deals, and sometimes disagree.

The best thing about PSIR is that it’s super relevant to what’s happening in the world right now. You’ll be studying stuff that’s in the news and affects all of us, which can make it feel really important and exciting.

PSIR is also a subject that encourages you to think analytically. You’ll be asked to look at different perspectives and come up with your own conclusions about how things work in politics and on the global stage.

In the UPSC exam, PSIR can really make you stand out because it shows you’re able to understand complex political issues and think critically about them. So if you’re someone who’s curious about how the world works and wants to make a difference, PSIR might be the perfect subject for you.


Geography is a subject that many UPSC exam takers like to choose because it’s known to be quite scoring. What makes it even better is that its syllabus is very clear and easy to understand. This means students can plan their study time better and know exactly what they need to focus on.

The subject of Geography covers a wide range of topics. There’s physical geography, which is all about the natural features of the Earth like mountains, rivers, and climate. Then there’s human geography, which looks at how people interact with their environment and each other. Environmental geography is about how humans affect the environment and how the environment affects us. And finally, there’s geographical thought, which is all about the ideas and theories that geographers use to understand the world.

One of the great things about studying Geography is that it’s not just about memorizing facts. Sure, you need to know some stuff, but it’s also about understanding the concepts behind those facts. This means you really get to engage with the material and think critically about it.

Overall, Geography is a popular choice because it’s both interesting and manageable. It’s a subject where you can really see your hard work pay off in the exam, and the knowledge you gain from studying it is valuable for understanding the world around us.


UPSC Civil Services: History is a really cool subject that many people pick for the UPSC exam because it’s not only interesting but also can get you some good marks. The thing about history is that there’s so much to learn! You’ve got ancient stuff, medieval stuff, and more recent stuff like modern Indian history. Plus, there’s world history to dive into, and even what’s happened in India after it became independent.

When you’re studying history for the exam, there are some key things to focus on. You want to know all about the big events that happened, the important people involved, and also be able to think critically about why things happened the way they did. This means looking at different perspectives and trying to understand why people did what they did back in the day.

One of the best things about history is that it’s not just about memorizing dates and names (although you do need to know some of those!). It’s also about really getting into the minds of the people who lived through those times and understanding how their actions shaped the world we live in today.

Overall, history is a great choice for the UPSC exam because it’s both fascinating and gives you the chance to show off your critical thinking skills. Plus, knowing about the past helps us understand the present and maybe even shape the future!


Economics is a subject that many people find quite rewarding for the UPSC exam. If you’ve got a knack for analytical thinking or have studied economics before, it could be a great choice for you. It’s all about how money and resources are used and managed in society.

The syllabus for economics covers a bunch of different topics. There’s microeconomics, which is all about how individuals and businesses make decisions about things like buying and selling goods and services. Then there’s macroeconomics, which looks at the big picture – like how whole economies work, including things like inflation, unemployment, and economic growth. You’ll also study the Indian economy, which is all about how things work right here at home, and international economics, which is about how countries trade with each other and manage their money on the global stage.

The great thing about economics is that it’s really practical. You’ll learn about theories and policies, but you’ll also see how they’re applied in the real world. This means you’ll be able to understand what’s going on in the economy and maybe even come up with ideas for how to make things better.

In the UPSC exam, economics can be a real winner because it shows you can think logically and understand complex systems. So if you’re someone who loves numbers and wants to make a difference in the world, economics might be the perfect subject for you.

Philosophy: UPSC Civil Services

UPSC Civil Services: Philosophy might seem a bit unusual as a subject for the UPSC exam, but it’s actually pretty cool and can be really rewarding. It’s all about asking big questions and trying to figure out the meaning of life, what’s right and wrong, and even why we exist.

When you’re studying philosophy, you’ll dive into all sorts of deep topics. You’ll think about things like ethics, which is about what’s good and bad, and morality, which is about how we should behave toward each other. You’ll also ponder questions about existence – like why we’re here and what it all means.

Sure, the syllabus might seem a bit abstract at first, but if you stick with it and really get to grips with the concepts, you can do really well in this subject. It’s all about developing a clear understanding of the different philosophical ideas and theories.

One great thing about philosophy is that it encourages you to think for yourself and come up with your own ideas. There’s no right or wrong answer – it’s all about exploring different perspectives and forming your own opinions.

In the UPSC exam, philosophy can really make you stand out because it shows you’re able to think deeply and critically about important issues. So if you’re someone who loves asking big questions and isn’t afraid to challenge the status quo, philosophy could be the perfect subject for you.

Therefore, choosing an optional subject plays a vital role in enhancing the success prospects of UPSC Civil Services candidates. It is essential to select a subject that matches one’s interests and strengths. Opting for a subject with a clearly outlined syllabus, relevance, and scoring potential can greatly enhance a candidate’s total score. Subjects such as Public Administration, Geography, History, Sociology, Philosophy, Political Science and International Relations, or Economics provide distinct chances for candidates to demonstrate their expertise and analytical abilities during the UPSC examination.

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